The AFF (Accelerated Free Fall) program is the most up-to-date and fast learning skydiving mode, designed to train you to the point where you can skydive safely by yourself and is endorsed by the United States Parachute Association (USPA). The experienced USPA certified AFF instructors of Skydive Greece will provide personalized training during the whole AFF course and the required knowledge and skills throughout the program, in order to render the student an autonomous and safe skydiver.
It is a seven jumps-levels progression program, each one consisting of specific skills that have to be demonstrated in the air. The AFF course starts on the very first day with every topic taught, practiced and evaluated on the ground. Once you have completed the AFF ground school, you are ready for your first skydive with your instructors, using our provided student skydiving rig.
You will exit the aircraft from nearly 3,5 km high where you will live the experience of your first skydive. Your two highly experienced AFF instructors will guide you throughout the advancement criteria of your skydive until it is time for you to deploy your main parachute. Once you deploy your parachute, a third instructor on the landing area, will provide you radio assistance, while you steer your parachute to land in the designated student area.
In the first three jumps (1-3 level), you will be accompanied by two instructors, and in the remaining four (4-7 level) by only one! The whole AFF training program is personalized and you will progress at your own pace and performance. Once you graduate the program, you will be cleared for solo skydiving, still under student mode. Under constant guidance and supervision from your instructors, gaining experience and improving your skills, you work your way to complete the necessary requirements to achieve the USPA certified ‘A’ license. There is a required minimum of 25 jumps for the ‘A’ license with the initial AFF jumps counting towards the 25 total.